Kullanışlı ve basit araç çubuğu ile otomatik giriş ve güvenli 256-bit veri şifrelemesinden yararlanan program artık işlerinizi kolaylaştırıcak.
Kullanıcı ismi ve şifre bilgilerinizi web sitelerine kolayca aktarabilen Password Depot, sabit diskinizden tamamen silmek istediğiniz dosyaları da kaldırabiliyor. Uygulamanın dosya silme özelliğini kullandığınızda silinen dosyaların bulunduğu alana bilgi yazılarak ilgili dosyaların geri getirilmesi engelleniyor.
For Computer Bild 01/08, Password Depot is the password safe which "as the only software was able to make a good impression when faced with the comprehensive security test".
Password Security:
• Best protection of your data due to double encryption with Rijndael 256! Your password list is protected twice: with the master password and with an internal key.
• Protection from keylogging (intercepting of keystrokes) – All password fields are internally protected from keylogging.
• Password Depot leaves no trace of your passwords in the RAM. So even an attempt by a hacker to use your computer and try to browse the cryptic memory dumps for passwords - a theoretical option - would be defeated.
• Clipboard protection – Password Depot automatically detects any active clipboard viewers and masks its changes to the keyboard; after performing auto-complete, all sensitive data is automatically cleared from the clipboard.
• The integrated password generator creates virtually uncrackable passwords: instead of passwords like "sweetheart" or "John", which can both be cracked in a few minutes, you now use passwords like "g\/:1bmV5T$x_sb}8T4@CN?\A:y:Cwe-k)mUpHiJu:0md7p@
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